*Testimonials are representative of all reasonably comparable accounts and are not indicative of future performance or success.
Nate started out with just a few acres of ground and has worked to build his farm for decades. For him, the growth was easy, but the marketing? Not so much. Nate loves the options his Tredas Consultant, Zane Abner provides.
Matthew is a corn and soybean farmer from Aurora, Nebraska. Check out his video to learn more about his relationship with Tredas!
Gary farms corn and soybeans when he’s not feeding cattle near Bertrand, NE. He goes into detail about what sets Tredas apart from other companies.
Matt & Kody grew up miles apart in Eastern Nebraska. They found that by having Tredas handle their Crop Insurance & Commodity Marketing they were able to focus more on what they love: Farming.
As if the the stress of grain marketing your grain isn’t enough, imagine finding out a loved one has cancer. This is a powerful story about how the Tredas Team was able to transform the lives of the Baker family.